Türkçe - İngilizce Çeviri Sonucu

DEME Anlamı

  • A habitation cylinder, or sub-division thereof; one of the sub-elements of a Cluster. ntia.
  • A separately evolving subset of the whole population The subsets may be evolved on a different computers Emigration between subset may be used.
  • A locally interbreeding population.
  • A geographic subpopulation, mostly inbreeding but with occasional gene flow via migrants from the larger metapopulation.
  • A breeding group unit In natural populations of mice, a deme usually consists of one breeding male with a harem of up to 8 females.
  • A local population of a species; the community of potentially interbreeding individuals at a given locality; a population or race sampled over time.
  • act of saying. meaning. bid.
  • An undifferentiated aggregate of cells or plastids.
  • A territorial subdivision of Attica , corresponding to a township.
  • payment.

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